Ask Nurse Thomas
Would you like my thoughts on something? Feel free to record or type out your question below.
Please read the question guidelines below before submitting a question.
Question Guidelines
Please make sure your question is clear and has a detailed description.
- Keep your question as short as possible and to the point. If you need to add context to the question, that’s fine, but start with the question.
- For written questions, please check to make sure grammar and spelling errors are kept to a minimum.
- Not all questions will be picked. To have the best chance of your question being picked, make sure to follow the guidelines.
- Submitting a question means you agree to have that question appear on any NurseMoneyTalk media channel (Podcast, YouTube, Website, Facebook, etc.).
- Your typed email address will NOT be made public, but your first name and your typed or recorded question will.
- Do not share content you would not like to be made public in your question.
- Make sure to respect HIPAA guidelines. Change names. Change hospital names. Or don’t use the exact situation to make sure patients can NOT be identified.
How would you like to ask your question?
Previously Answered Questions
Check out answers to questions I’ve previously answered. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, ask the question above.