Most students think the NCLEX select all that apply questions are very hard.
Because the NCLEX is a computer adaptive test whereby you gradually get more challenging questions as you answer them correctly.
It makes sense that many nursing students would question if they even passed if they didn’t get any SATA questions.
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Can You Pass the NCLEX Without Getting Any SATA Questions?
Yes, you can pass the NCLEX without getting any select all that apply questions (SATA questions). The NCLEX is a computer adaptive test, which means it will be different for every nursing student.
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Video Summary
Here’s the video I made on my YouTube channel on this topic.
If you don’t want to watch the video or you need more info, then definitely keep reading below.
If you aren’t already subscribed to my YouTube channel, go here to subscribe for the latest info on being a nurse, nursing student, and nurse life.
The NCLEX is a Computer Adaptive Test
As stated above, the NCLEX is a computer adaptive test (CAT).
I know you don’t really care about the details, but all you need to know is that the test adjusts its questions based on how well the student is doing.
As you answer questions, you’ll keep getting harder questions until the computer can determine that you will stay above the passing line if it keeps asking you questions.
The way the NCLEX is scored is why students think if they’re not getting any SATA questions, they’re not doing well on the NCLEX exam.
They rationalize that if they’re doing well, they will get harder questions.
If they’re getting more challenging questions, they should be getting SATA questions. If they’re not getting any SATA questions, they immediately assume they’re not doing well.
Below, you’ll see why I think that’s a bad way to gauge how well you’re doing (or did) on the NCLEX.
The Myth About SATA Questions
With all that said, I think there’s a myth about SATA questions that needs to be debunked.
I can see how many nursing students think the question format of select all that apply is hard. Keep in mind that you can have easy select all that apply questions, similar to how you can have very hard standard one answer questions.
It’s about how hard the question writer wants to make the question and how familiar you are with the topic.
- There are topics you’re going to find naturally easier than others for whatever reason.
- There’s going to be topics nursing students in general will find harder or easier than others.
These are just in general how questions on exams work. It’s not really anything new to the NCLEX.
What You Should Be Focusing On
Here are the things you should be focusing on.
If You’ve Taken the NCLEX
If you’re reading this, you may have already taken the NCLEX. At this point, you could wait for the official results, buy the NCLEX quick results, or if you feel so inclined, you could try the Pearson Vue NCLEX trick.
I don’t typically recommend messing with that good pop-up, bad pop-up nonsense. (You can check the linked articles to find out why)
If You Haven’t Taken the NCLEX
If you haven’t taken the NCLEX, you should focus on doing well on the NCLEX and not on any other distractions. You can’t control what questions you get, so focus on learning the material.
If you haven’t already gotten a good NCLEX prep course, check out the linked article for some good recommendations.
For example, one of the ones I recommend has a really high pass rate for student nurses who take their course (over 99% pass rate). Click here to check out that NCLEX prep course.
NCLEX Prep Academy
Check out the comprehensive NCLEX prep review that I recommend. Don’t bother with other NCLEX preps that over promise and under deliver. Did I mention they have a 99.86% NCLEX pass rate?
Have You Read These
- Can I Apply For the NCLEX During Nursing School?
- Who Administers the NCLEX?
- I’m Afraid to Take the NCLEX!
- How to Pass the NCLEX